Produced by The Folklore Society of Greater Washington and the Glen Echo Park Partnership for the Arts and Culture

In cooperation with The National Park Service, Montgomery County, and The Richmond Folk Festival


The Washington Folk Festival will take place on Saturday, May 31, 2025 from Noon to 7:00 PM, and Sunday, June 1, 2025 from 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM, at Glen Echo Park in Glen Echo, Maryland. Admittance to the festival is free every year because of VOLUNTEERS! That’s right: performers, emcees, stage crew, sound engineers, operations, food servers, and office staff all donate their time and their talents. As always, this year’s festival needs you.

 Volunteering takes only a few hours of your time. Tell us about some of your talents and interests and we will find a place for you to contribute to the Washington Folk Festival’s ongoing success.

 If you’re interested in volunteering for the festival, please fill out and submit the form below.


First Name Last Name 
Mailing Address
City State Zip
Home Phone Number 
Mobile Phone Number 
E-mail Address 
I am under 18 years old 
I am a student who would
like to credit my festival volunteer
hours to my school
public service commitment
School Name

VOLUNTEER JOB INFORMATION: We need help with stage crews, information booths, food service, volunteer and performer check-in, and facilitating last minute changes.
We also need help during the month preceding the Festival.

Have you worked at previous
Washington Folk Festivals?
Do you prefer to be:
Do you have any special physical limitations?
If so, please indicate.

Please indicate which jobs you would prefer and which you would not want to do.
We will not assign you to jobs you do not want to do. We try to assign you to your preferred jobs,
but sometimes need to assign you to jobs for which you have not indicated a preference.
To see a brief description of each job hover your mouse over the job title.

Jobs Activity Level When Needed Check any jobs
you would like
Check any jobs
you would NOT like
I can do any job

Work is usually scheduled in two-hour blocks, but you can work as many blocks as you’d like. Please indicate when you would like to work:

Can you work any weekends during
the month before the festival? 
Can you work during the week before the festival?
(Saturday, May 23 - Friday, May 29)

I can work on either day of the Festival, but not both days

If you have any notes about your volunteer service or any comments or suggestions, please type them in the box below. When you are finished, please click the SUBMIT button below to transmit your form.