FSGW 2021 Getaway Online Schedule of Events for All Rooms

On each day of the Getaway there are several parallel sessions. They are implemented as Zoom breakout rooms. If you have registered to attend the Getaway, you will receive a link to join the Getaway Zoom session. Once you have joined, you can go to any of the currently running sessions by going to the appropriate breakout room.
All times are listed in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), the time zone for Washington, DC and the Eastern United States. If you live in another time zone, you can recalculate times here.
If you wish to actively participate in the Vocal Clinic or Slide Guitar Basics sessions you will need to sign up beforehand since the number of participants is limited. You can do that by clicking the sign up link in the schedule entry for those sessions. If you'd just like to watch, you are welcome to join as with any of the other Zoom sessions. Similarly, if you want to sing in the Saturday or Sunday evening concerts, you need to sign up beforehand by clicking on the link in the schedule.
If you wish to find out more about any of the session leaders there is a list of web pages, contact information, and product purchase information here.
Here are links to other forms of the schedule. The individual room schedules may be useful to those using a small screen device. The version with no tables is a text only version suitable for those who have trouble reading tables.

Key to the Types of Sessions
% Children: A session designed for the partcipation of children.
* Master Class: An instructional session in which a number of pre-registered people will receive direct coaching, and others may observe.
Concert: A musical oerformance by one or more artists.
Presentation: A session in which one or more recognized experts will educate us in their chosen field.
# Singaround: A participatory session where, time allowing, everyone has a chance to sing.

Friday Schedule

As of 10/24/2021 8:27 subject to change
Friday, October 8
Retreat CenterNature CenterPeace Lodge
12:00 PM
Welcoming and Friendship #
Carly Gewirz and Joe Offer
Getting the Most Out of Zoom †
Casey Casebeer
12:30 PM
1:00 PM
1:30 PM
Maritime Songs #
Geoff Kaufman and Deirdre Murtha
Ed Trickett ‡
2:00 PM
Weather #
Fred Maslan and Marge Steiner
2:30 PM
First Irish Singaround #
Peter Brice and David Ingerson
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
Spoken Word #
Don Stallone
Strong Women #
Janie Meneely and Lynn Noel
4:30 PM
First Scottish Singaround #
Jack Beck and Abby Sale
5:00 PM
5:30 PM
6:00 PM
Allan Carr ‡
Labor Songs #
Mick Lane, Connie McKenna and Margaret Walters
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 to 10:30 Singaround in the Main Zoom Room
Lisa Null

Saturday Schedule

As of 10/24/2021 8:27 subject to change
Saturday, October 9
Retreat CenterNature CenterEhlers Memorial HallPeace LodgePaz LodgeAmani Lodge
9:00 AM
Blues Singaround #
Eleanor Ellis, Mike Rocke and Miles Spicer
Tragedies & Disasters #
Colleen Cleveland and Merle Roesler
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
Vocal Clinic *
Ken Schatz

Sign up for Vocal Clinic workshop.
Music Hall #
John Baxter and Lynn Feingold
Very Olde Songs #
Kevin Elam and Heather Preston
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
Rick Franklin ‡
11:30 AM
Ballad Free-For-All 1 #
Saro Lynch-Thomason and Lisa Null
12:00 PM
What Makes It the Blues #
Elly Wininger
Second Irish Singaround #
Amelia Hogan and Connie McKenna
12:30 PM
Parodies #
David Diamond and Joe Hickerson
Sentimental Journey #
Kathie Mack and Leo Wermers
Ballad Free-For-All 2 #
Colleen Cleveland
1:00 PM
1:30 PM
Ballad Free-For-All 3 #
David Kidman and Lorraine Van Buren
2:00 PM
Un-American Activities #
Allan Carr and Rob van Sante
The Amazing Variety of Irish Song Traditions †
David Ingerson
2:30 PM
Ballad Free-For-All 4 #
Tim Radford
3:00 PM
Show Tunes #
Mara Levine and Jesse Palidofsky
All God's Critters #
Dawn Berg and Susannah Hills Rose
3:30 PM
Ballad Free-For-All 5 #
Julie Henigan and Sally Rogers
4:00 PM
How to Play Well With Others #
Bill Destler and John Roberts
4:30 PM
Duets, Trios and Beyond #
Darriel Day and Jocelyn Day
Storytelling Grapevine Session 1: It Really Happened That Way! #
Renée Brachfeld and Tim Livengood
5:00 PM
American History #
Peter Brice and Dan Milner
5:30 PM
6:00 PM
7:30 to 10:30 Concert in the Main Zoom Room
Jennifer Woods

Signup for Saturday Concert

Sunday Schedule

As of 10/24/2021 8:27 subject to change
Sunday, October 10
Retreat CenterNature CenterEhlers Memorial HallPeace LodgePaz LodgeAmani Lodge
9:00 AM
Gospel and Sacred Songs #
Dock Cutlip, Bill Kimmons and Becky Kimmons
Songs for Children %
Deirdre Murtha and Kim Wallach
2020 Hindsight: Songs of the Pandemic and Other Disasters #
Liz Milner and Elly Wininger
Revelations: A Celebration of Appalachian Resiliency in GLBTQ People †
Carrie Kline
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
Lumber Songs and Songs of the North Woods #
Brian Miller and Jeff Warner
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
Songs of the Supernatural #
Cate Clifford and Bob Rodriquez
11:30 AM
Chorus Songs #
David Jones and Heather Wood
Slide Guitar Basics *
Elly Wininger

Sign up for Slide Guitar Basics workshop.
Third Irish Singaround #
Melissa Weaver Dunning and Brian ÓhAirt
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
1:00 PM
Trades and Occupations #
Greg Artzner, David Kidman and Terry Leonino
Bygone Ballads of Maine: Songs of Ships, Sailors & the Sea †
Fred Gosbee and Julia Lane
Storytelling Grapevine Session 2: Fairy Tales for a Fact-Checking Age #
Renée Brachfeld and Tim Livengood
1:30 PM
Thomas McCarthy ‡
2:00 PM
Songs of the Land #
Dan Schatz and Jerry Simon
Songwriters' Showcase #
Carole Etherton, Andrew McKay and Kim Wallach
2:30 PM
Old-Time Singaround #
Martha Burns
3:00 PM
Second Scottish Singaround #
Bernard Argent, Linda Rice-Johnston and Barbara Ryan
3:30 PM
Using the Library of Congress' Online Folk Collections †
Jennifer Cutting and Steve Winick
Storytelling Grapevine Session 3: Story Swapping #
Renée Brachfeld and Tim Livengood
4:00 PM
Going to Town #
Riggy Rackin, Heidi Slaney and Dick Swain
4:30 PM
Emma Dusenbury: Singer of the Old Songs of the Ozarks †
Nora Rodes
5:00 PM
Humorous Songs #
Murray Callahan and Steven Levine
Cowboy Songs and Songs of the West #
Steve Cormier and Larry Hanks
5:30 PM
Multicultural Roots of Sea Chanties †
Bonnie Milner, Stephen Sanfilippo and Bob Walser
6:00 PM
7:30 to 10:30 Concert in the Main Zoom Room
Charlie Baum

Signup for Sunday Concert

Monday Schedule

As of 10/24/2021 8:27 subject to change
Monday, October 11
Retreat CenterNature CenterEhlers Memorial Hall
9:00 AM
Can You Follow This? #
Charlie Baum
History of the Blues †
Pete Kraemer and Phil Wiggins
9:30 AM
Jealousy and Murder #
Arlene Immerman, Liz Milner and Linn Phipps
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Classic Country Songs #
Tony Becker
11:00 AM
Filk Songs #
Gary Ehrlich and Cecilia Eng
11:30 AM
Quiet Sing #
Joe Hickerson and Ed Trickett
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
Andy Cohen ‡
1:00 PM
Carter Family #
Ash Devine and Pete Kraemer
1:30 PM
Social Justice #
Greg Artzner, Bruce Baker, Terry Leonino and Phil Wiggins
Civil War †
Judy Cook
2:00 PM
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
Ballad Free-For-All 6 #
Carrie Kline and Michael Kline
3:30 PM
Parting Songs #
David Jones and Nancy King
4:00 PM
4:30 PM
5:00 PM

If you like the Getaway, you may enjoy the FSGW Sunday Evening Concert Series

A virtual series online via Zoom
Details and Registration for the Zoom link at https://www.fsgw.org/concerts
Doors open at 7:00 pm (Eastern time)
Performances begin at 7:30 pm

Sunday, October 24
John Roberts and Jeff Warner

Sunday, November 7
Dillon Bustin and Bob Lucas

Sunday, December 5
Sparky & Rhonda Rucker and Rev. Robert B. Jones, Sr.