FSGW 2021 Getaway Online Schedule of Events with No Tables
On each day of the Getaway there are several parallel sessions. They are implemented as Zoom breakout rooms. If you have registered to attend the Getaway, you will receive a link to join the Getaway Zoom session. Once you have joined, you can go to any of the currently running sessions by going to the appropriate breakout room.
All times are listed in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), the time zone for Washington, DC and the Eastern United States. If you live in another time zone, you can recalculate times here.
If you wish to actively participate in the Vocal Clinic or Slide Guitar Basics sessions you will need to sign up beforehand since the number of participants is limited. You can do that by clicking the sign up link in the schedule entry for those sessions. If you'd just like to watch, you are welcome to join as with any of the other Zoom sessions. Similarly, if you want to sing in the Saturday or Sunday evening concerts, you need to sign up beforehand by clicking on the link in the schedule.
Here are links to other forms of the schedule. The individual room schedules may be useful to those using a small screen device. The version with no tables is a text only version suitable for those who have trouble reading tables.
Friday, October 8
Friday 12:00 PM EDT Welcoming and Friendship in Nature Center (Singaround) to about 1:30 PM led by Carly Gewirz and Joe Offer We're so glad you're here to sing with us! or Getting the Most Out of Zoom in Peace Lodge (Presentation) to about 1:00 PM led by Casey Casebeer Want a refresher for using Zoom? If you're unsure about using Zoom, let Casey help you with updating Zoom software, getting the best sound, navigating breakout rooms, and more.
Friday 1:30 PM EDT Ed Trickett in Peace Lodge (Concert) to about 2:00 PM led by Ed Trickett Ed is memorable for his lovely lyrical voice and his skill as a song-finder and song-sharer. Well known for his work with Bok, Trickett and Muir, Ed's solo arrangements stand out for their graceful counter-melodies and poignant style. or Maritime Songs in Retreat Center (Singaround) to about 3:30 PM led by Geoff Kaufman and Deirdre Murtha Chanties, forebitters, and foc's'l songs from the men and women who sail the seas.
Friday 2:00 PM EDT Weather in Nature Center (Singaround) to about 3:30 PM led by Fred Maslan and Marge Steiner Sunny, rainy, snowy, foggy, windy – weather affects us all, so we might as well sing about it!
Friday 2:30 PM EDT First Irish Singaround in Peace Lodge (Singaround) to about 4:00 PM led by Peter Brice and David Ingerson Revel in songs of Ireland and the Irish diaspora.
Friday 4:00 PM EDT Strong Women in Nature Center (Singaround) to about 5:30 PM led by Janie Meneely and Lynn Noel Come celebrate women's strengths and achievements in song. or Spoken Word in Retreat Center (Singaround) to about 5:30 PM led by Don Stallone Poems, monologues, recitations, and the inner workings of your poetic mind work here.
Friday 4:30 PM EDT First Scottish Singaround in Peace Lodge (Singaround) to about 6:00 PM led by Jack Beck and Abby Sale Share from a rich heritage of songs, traditional and contemporary, with or without the accent!
Friday 6:00 PM EDT Labor Songs in Nature Center (Singaround) to about 7:30 PM led by Mick Lane, Connie McKenna and Margaret Walters Working people all over the world sing about their struggles and achievements. or Allan Carr in Retreat Center (Concert) to about 7:00 PM led by Allan Carr Allan Carr plays an innovative blend of traditional and original Scottish and Appalachian-style music. Singer/guitarist Allan grew up in the Northeast of Scotland as part of a Scottish musical family.
Friday 7:30 PM EDT Friday Night Singaround in Main Room (Singaround) to about 10:30 PM led by Lisa Null An open session with no topic.
Saturday, October 9
Saturday 9:00 AM EDT Blues Singaround in Ehlers Memorial Hall (Singaround) to about 10:30 AM led by Eleanor Ellis, Mike Rocke and Miles Spicer If you're feeling blue, or even if you're not, singing the blues is good for you! or Tragedies & Disasters in Paz Lodge (Singaround) to about 10:30 AM led by Colleen Cleveland and Merle Roesler Sad and terrible events are all too frequent, but they often inspire great songs.
Saturday 10:00 AM EDT Music Hall in Nature Center (Singaround) to about 11:30 AM led by John Baxter and Lynn Feingold English music halls and the American variety stage enjoyed tremendous popularity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Come make them live again! or Very Olde Songs in Peace Lodge (Singaround) to about 11:30 AM led by Kevin Elam and Heather Preston Truly golden “oldies” from as far back as the Middle Ages and stretching into the Renaissance and Jacobean eras. Art and theatre songs with known authors are welcome. Bring a song from days of yore! or Vocal Clinic in Retreat Center (Master Class) to about 12:00 PM led by Ken Schatz Ken will personally coach four singers, who sign up in advance, in ways to present a (memorized) song to best effect, while the rest of us watch and learn. Sign up for Vocal Clinic workshop.
Saturday 11:00 AM EDT Rick Franklin in Ehlers Memorial Hall (Concert) to about 12:00 PM led by Rick Franklin Rick plays acoustic guitar, and sings the Blues in the Piedmont style. Http://hokumblues.com
Saturday 11:30 AM EDT Ballad Free-For-All 1 in Paz Lodge (Singaround) to about 12:30 PM led by Saro Lynch-Thomason and Lisa Null A whole afternoon of story songs, from every culture and on every topic – what could be better?
Saturday 12:00 PM EDT What Makes It the Blues in Nature Center (Singaround) to about 1:30 PM led by Elly Wininger In this hands-on instructional workshop, Elly will teach basic blues moves, along with regional styles, through examples by several blues masters. Elly, a member of the NY Blues Hall of Fame, will provide basic techniques and specific sequences for 2-3 songs as time and skill levels allow. Modified adaptations for beginners will be provided, as well as more complex finger-style versions for intermediate to advanced players. Listeners welcome. or Second Irish Singaround in Peace Lodge (Singaround) to about 1:30 PM led by Amelia Hogan and Connie McKenna Sing your heart out or listen to a wide variety of songs we think of as Irish.
Saturday 12:30 PM EDT Sentimental Journey in Ehlers Memorial Hall (Singaround) to about 2:00 PM led by Kathie Mack and Leo Wermers Popular music before rock, from Victorian parlor songs to Tin Pan Alley to the Great American Songbook. Take a sentimental journey to renew old memories! or Ballad Free-For-All 2 in Paz Lodge (Singaround) to about 1:30 PM led by Colleen Cleveland A whole afternoon of story songs, from every culture and on every topic – what could be better? or Parodies in Retreat Center (Singaround) to about 2:30 PM led by David Diamond and Joe Hickerson Songs turned upside-down – always good for a laugh or a groan!
Saturday 1:30 PM EDT Ballad Free-For-All 3 in Paz Lodge (Singaround) to about 2:30 PM led by David Kidman and Lorraine Van Buren A whole afternoon of story songs, from every culture and on every topic – what could be better?
Saturday 2:00 PM EDT Un-American Activities in Nature Center (Singaround) to about 3:30 PM led by Allan Carr and Rob van Sante These two excellent guitarists will demonstrate and give pointers on the percussive guitar style typical of such artists as Davey Graham, Martin Carthy, and Richard Thompson. or The Amazing Variety of Irish Song Traditions in Peace Lodge (Presentation) to about 3:00 PM led by David Ingerson Descriptions and recorded examples of Ossianic Lays, Sean Nos, rhythmic Irish language songs, traditional Anglo-Irish songs, parlor songs, and pub songs.
Saturday 2:30 PM EDT Ballad Free-For-All 4 in Paz Lodge (Singaround) to about 3:30 PM led by Tim Radford A whole afternoon of story songs, from every culture and on every topic – what could be better?
Saturday 3:00 PM EDT All God's Critters in Ehlers Memorial Hall (Singaround) to about 4:00 PM led by Dawn Berg and Susannah Hills Rose Birds, hippos, frogs, monkeys – there are songs about all kinds of animals. Come and share your favorites! or Show Tunes in Retreat Center (Singaround) to about 4:30 PM led by Mara Levine and Jesse Palidofsky Lots of us grew up singing the songs from Broadway and musical movies. Let's dust them off and sing 'em again!
Saturday 3:30 PM EDT Ballad Free-For-All 5 in Paz Lodge (Singaround) to about 4:30 PM led by Julie Henigan and Sally Rogers A whole afternoon of story songs, from every culture and on every topic – what could be better?
Saturday 4:00 PM EDT How to Play Well With Others in Nature Center (Singaround) to about 5:30 PM led by Bill Destler and John Roberts Pointers for instrumentalists from two master musicians to help you with accompanying yourself and others. Share your own tips as well!
Saturday 4:30 PM EDT Storytelling Grapevine Session 1: It Really Happened That Way! in Amani Lodge (Singaround) to about 6:00 PM led by Renée Brachfeld and Tim Livengood The Grapevine is a popular storytelling venue in Washington DC, (on Zoom since April 2020). Grapevine hosts will be on hand to tell colorful, astounding, touching, and possibly funny stories, and to facilitate story sharing among participants. Theme for this session - true personal stories, especially those that happened to you. Come put your name in the virtual hat for a chance to tell, or come to listen - all are welcome! Get on the Grapevine mailing list to find out about upcoming shows: Send us your name and email at grapevinetakoma@gmail.com or Duets, Trios and Beyond in Peace Lodge (Singaround) to about 6:30 PM led by Darriel Day and Jocelyn Day Zoom has made it hard to satisfy our hunger for harmony, so we invite any of you who can gather two or more people in the same room to share harmonious songs.
Saturday 5:00 PM EDT American History in Ehlers Memorial Hall (Singaround) to about 6:30 PM led by Peter Brice and Dan Milner Since Colonial times, Americans have sung about local and national events and people, and we want to keep that tradition alive.
Saturday 7:30 PM EDT Saturday Night Concert in Main Room (Concert) to about 10:30 PM led by Jennifer Woods A sign-up concert for anyone to perform one number. Signup for Saturday Concert
Sunday, October 10
Sunday 9:00 AM EDT Songs for Children in Ehlers Memorial Hall (Children) to about 10:00 AM led by Deirdre Murtha and Kim Wallach Kids love to sing! Here's a chance for them to do just that, and for all of us to contribute a few songs and maybe hear a new one or two. or Revelations: A Celebration of Appalachian Resiliency in GLBTQ People in Paz Lodge (Presentation) to about 11:00 AM led by Carrie Kline Carrie Kline shares the audio version of her staged reading, followed by questions and discussion. Twelve actors read interwoven excerpts from interviews with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered West Virginians conducted during the course of Carrie's Rockefeller Fellowship at Marshall University.Their words, and music inspirational to the interviewees, focus on people’s paths to hard-won self-acceptance and their journey towards a fuller sense of humanity. or 2020 Hindsight: Songs of the Pandemic and Other Disasters in Peace Lodge (Singaround) to about 10:30 AM led by Liz Milner and Elly Wininger Now that 2020 is in the rear-view mirror, it’s time for a Grand Reckoning in Song. Bring us your funny, satirical, sad, poignant and hopeful songs. or Gospel and Sacred Songs in Retreat Center (Singaround) to about 11:00 AM led by Dock Cutlip, Bill Kimmons and Becky Kimmons Lots of different traditions are welcome to join us and sing Hallelujah! Or other songs with sacred content.
Sunday 10:00 AM EDT Lumber Songs and Songs of the North Woods in Nature Center (Singaround) to about 11:30 AM led by Brian Miller and Jeff Warner Sing a song of the great north woods! Loggers entertain each other in the lumber camps after a hard day's work.
Sunday 11:00 AM EDT Songs of the Supernatural in Peace Lodge (Singaround) to about 12:30 PM led by Cate Clifford and Bob Rodriquez Monsters and mermaids, demons and dragons, werewolves and witches, phantoms and fairies – and the worlds they inhabit.
Sunday 11:30 AM EDT Slide Guitar Basics in Ehlers Memorial Hall (Master Class) to about 1:00 PM led by Elly Wininger Join NY Blues Hall of Fame artist Elly for a hands-on slide guitar workshop that will have you playing 2-3 tunes. Learn techniques that will help you develop your own style. Bring a guitar, and a slide that stays on your ring finger and covers the 6 strings of your guitar. A tuner – even one on your phone – will be helpful. Listeners are welcome.” Sign up for Slide Guitar Basics workshop. or Third Irish Singaround in Paz Lodge (Singaround) to about 1:00 PM led by Melissa Weaver Dunning and Brian ÓhAirt Ireland has a mother-lode of songs that have enriched the world with melody and verse. or Chorus Songs in Retreat Center (Singaround) to about 1:30 PM led by David Jones and Heather Wood Short or long, happy or sad, choruses make us want to sing along.
Sunday 1:00 PM EDT Storytelling Grapevine Session 2: Fairy Tales for a Fact-Checking Age in Amani Lodge (Singaround) to about 2:30 PM led by Renée Brachfeld and Tim Livengood The Grapevine is a popular storytelling venue in Washington DC, (on Zoom since April 2020). Grapevine hosts will be on hand to facilitate story sharing among participants, and share some storytelling wisdom. Expect to the surprised, enthralled, and moved! Story theme - Fairy tales in the modern age. Come put your name in the virtual hat for a chance to tell, or come to listen - all are welcome! The Grapevine is currently on hiatus, but we hope to return by January. Get on the Grapevine mailing list to find out about upcoming shows: Send your name and email to grapevinetakoma@gmail.com or Trades and Occupations in Nature Center (Singaround) to about 3:00 PM led by Greg Artzner, David Kidman and Terry Leonino Songs of working people, their skills, satisfactions, struggles, and aspirations. or Bygone Ballads of Maine: Songs of Ships, Sailors & the Sea in Peace Lodge (Presentation) to about 2:00 PM led by Fred Gosbee and Julia Lane Julia and Fred, who together are “Castlebay,” will present a selection of songs from Julia's recently-published book.
Sunday 1:30 PM EDT Thomas McCarthy in Paz Lodge (Concert) to about 2:00 PM led by Thomas McCarthy Thomas returns to share his family's Irish Traveller songs & associated stories. He sings unaccompanied, with a lyrical ornamentation style. A warm, genial singer, he is the first Irish Traveller named "Traditional Singer of the Year" by Gradam Ceoil in 2019. "I started collecting all the songs because I knew if anything happened to my mother they’d all be lost. The song is nothing without the story."
Sunday 2:00 PM EDT Songwriters' Showcase in Ehlers Memorial Hall (Singaround) to about 4:00 PM led by Carole Etherton, Andrew McKay and Kim Wallach Bring your own songs, and hear the creations of the many songwriters among us. or Songs of the Land in Retreat Center (Singaround) to about 3:30 PM led by Dan Schatz and Jerry Simon Share songs of the land, the work and care it elicits, and its transformations, predicaments, and beauty.
Sunday 2:30 PM EDT Old-Time Singaround in Peace Lodge (Singaround) to about 3:30 PM led by Martha Burns These mostly Appalachian and Ozark songs were kept alive by early commercial recordings, but are often much older than that. Come bring your favorites!
Sunday 3:00 PM EDT Second Scottish Singaround in Paz Lodge (Singaround) to about 4:30 PM led by Bernard Argent, Linda Rice-Johnston and Barbara Ryan Sing songs from the highlands, the lowlands, from travelers, sardine-packers, songwriters, weavers, chieftains, rowers, lovers, beggars--the whole historical tapestry!
Sunday 3:30 PM EDT Storytelling Grapevine Session 3: Story Swapping in Amani Lodge (Singaround) to about 5:00 PM led by Renée Brachfeld and Tim Livengood The Grapevine is a popular storytelling venue in Washington DC, (on Zoom since April 2020). Grapevine hosts will be on hand to facilitate story sharing - Expect to the surprised, enthralled, and moved! Come put your name in the virtual hat for a chance to tell, or come to listen - all are welcome!. To learn more about The Grapevine, visit https://fsgw.org.grapevine. The Grapevine is currently on hiatus, but we hope to return by January. Get on the Grapevine mailing list to find out about upcoming shows: Send your name and email to grapevinetakoma@gmail.com or Using the Library of Congress' Online Folk Collections in Nature Center (Presentation) to about 5:00 PM led by Jennifer Cutting and Steve Winick The American Folklife Center archive (AFC archive) at the Library of Congress is home to over 5 million items of cultural documentation, including thousands of sound recordings and videos of folk music. Many of these recordings are online and free for you to hear and see. In this presentation, longtime AFC staff members Steve and Jennifer will show you how to find and use the Center’s online treasures, in one easy lesson!
Sunday 4:00 PM EDT Going to Town in Retreat Center (Singaround) to about 5:30 PM led by Riggy Rackin, Heidi Slaney and Dick Swain There are lots of songs about towns and cities all over the world. Come and sing about being in town, experiencing the town, the trip to town, and more.
Sunday 4:30 PM EDT Emma Dusenbury: Singer of the Old Songs of the Ozarks in Ehlers Memorial Hall (Presentation) to about 5:30 PM led by Nora Rodes Learn about this remarkable woman, who wanted to learn every song she heard. Decades later she shared the most traditional Anglo-American ballads ever recorded from one singer with the American Folklife Center. Vance Randolph called her “the best ballad singer” he ever met. Her enormous repertoire also included many other types of folk song, from play-party to labor, religious to political, and more.
Sunday 5:00 PM EDT Cowboy Songs and Songs of the West in Paz Lodge (Singaround) to about 6:30 PM led by Steve Cormier and Larry Hanks There's plenty of time for singing on the long, lonesome trail. or Humorous Songs in Peace Lodge (Singaround) to about 6:30 PM led by Murray Callahan and Steven Levine There's always time for a good laugh or a wry smile.
Sunday 5:30 PM EDT Multicultural Roots of Sea Chanties in Nature Center (Presentation) to about 6:30 PM led by Bonnie Milner, Stephen Sanfilippo and Bob Walser These three experts on the history and origins of chanties will reveal the diversity to be found in sailors' worksongs.
Sunday 7:30 PM EDT Sunday Night Concert in Main Room (Concert) to about 10:30 PM led by Charlie Baum A sign-up concert for anyone to perform one number. Signup for Sunday Concert
Monday, October 11
Monday 9:00 AM EDT History of the Blues in Ehlers Memorial Hall (Presentation) to about 10:00 AM led by Pete Kraemer and Phil Wiggins These two bluesmen will take us through the history of this distinctive genre, with lots of stories and examples. or Can You Follow This? in Retreat Center (Singaround) to about 10:30 AM led by Charlie Baum A singing game in which participants volunteer a song inspired by the one preceding it. Use your imagination!
Monday 9:30 AM EDT Jealousy and Murder in Nature Center (Singaround) to about 11:00 AM led by Arlene Immerman, Liz Milner and Linn Phipps We are invited to share songs of passion, deceit, and crime.
Monday 10:30 AM EDT Classic Country Songs in Ehlers Memorial Hall (Singaround) to about 12:00 PM led by Tony Becker Trains, trucks, honky-tonks, Momma, jail, drinkin', cheatin', and more...
Monday 11:00 AM EDT Filk Songs in Retreat Center (Singaround) to about 12:30 PM led by Gary Ehrlich and Cecilia Eng Filk is the folk tradition of the science fiction/fantasy community, consisting primarily of songs that tell or retell stories. Go wherever and whenever your imagination can take you, from mermaids to spaceships!
Monday 11:30 AM EDT Quiet Sing in Nature Center (Singaround) to about 1:00 PM led by Joe Hickerson and Ed Trickett One doesn't have to be uproarious to make a deep impression.
Monday 12:30 PM EDT Andy Cohen in Ehlers Memorial Hall (Concert) to about 1:00 PM led by Andy Cohen Andy Cohen owes his career to a clutch of "old blind guys" who taught him how to play without looking. He's been after the character of their 78's since he was in grade school, following the voices of people now long dead. Andy has dedicated his life to studying what makes musical sense to audiences all over America.
Monday 1:00 PM EDT Carter Family in Retreat Center (Singaround) to about 2:30 PM led by Ash Devine and Pete Kraemer This famous singing family contributed lots of songs to our national repertoire.
Monday 1:30 PM EDT Civil War in Ehlers Memorial Hall (Presentation) to about 2:30 PM led by Judy Cook Gripping narrative songs, rousing choruses and tunes from camp and homefront, woven together with historical details and Judy's family letters from the Civil War. Performed in costume. or Social Justice in Nature Center (Singaround) to about 3:30 PM led by Greg Artzner, Bruce Baker, Terry Leonino and Phil Wiggins Civil rights, world peace, ecology, and other important causes often inspire great songs.
Monday 3:00 PM EDT Ballad Free-For-All 6 in Ehlers Memorial Hall (Singaround) to about 4:00 PM led by Carrie Kline and Michael Kline One more chance for story songs, for those who couldn't make it Saturday afternoon, or simply want one more chance...
Monday 3:30 PM EDT Parting Songs in Retreat Center (Singaround) to about 5:30 PM led by David Jones and Nancy King Goodbye, adios, so long, farewell, adieu...
If you like the Getaway, you may enjoy the FSGW Sunday Evening Concert Series
A virtual series online via Zoom Details and Registration for the Zoom link at https://www.fsgw.org/concerts Doors open at 7:00 pm (Eastern time) Performances begin at 7:30 pm
Sunday, October 24 John Roberts and Jeff Warner
Sunday, November 7 Dillon Bustin and Bob Lucas
Sunday, December 5 Sparky & Rhonda Rucker and Rev. Robert B. Jones, Sr.